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Rose Ariadne Rose has been studying ancient forms of witchcraft for over 27 years. She's helped all of her 2537 students (and counting) in over 25 different countries attract wealth, love, protection, and good luck into their lives using the Magick energy every person was born with. |
Finally, an experienced Witch reveals secret methods for casting simple 3-minute spells that actually work, without any hard-to-find ingredients or tools... Dying
Witch Reveals *Grimoire (noun): a textbook of magick. Such books typically include instructions on how to perform magickal spells, how to create magickal objects (like talismans, amulets, and charms), and how to summon supernatural entities such as angels and spirits. "Sometimes
the simplest solutions are the best... |
To My Magickal Friend... YOU: If you've ever desperately wanted to believe in Magick, but deep down you're not quite sure it will really work... and you hope (with all your heart) that you can tap into its power to bring incredible miracles into your life -- you've been brought here today for a reason. You were meant to hear the story about an unusual Magick Grimoire my grandmother discovered that can change your life forever... My Grandmother Was A Strange "Collector"... ... she was always fascinated by Magick, and over the years she collected hundreds of old Magick books in her attic. (She grew up outside of Glastonbury, England -- among the descendents of the ancient Druids... one of the oldest Magickal groups in the world...) She studied her library of Magick knowledge for over 63 years, and used it to lead a life full of love and prosperity... until the day she passed away.
She showed me almost everything she knew, She knew the druids recorded their most powerful spells and rituals in secret code so nobody else could understand the information. (They also did this for protection -- in those days many people practicing Magick were thrown in prison, or murdered.) She was dying to find out what the Magick Grimoire contained, so she hired a professional "decoder" to help her translate the ancient texts. They finally "cracked the code" a few months before she passed away... and when she saw the information it contained, she understood why it was kept secret... It
was the most powerful and important She was in the middle of adding all the spells and Magick knowledge to her Book of Shadows when she became very ill. She was very old and knew she didn't have much time left, so she asked me to continue her work. From the moment I opened the first page of the Magick Grimoire and saw the secrets it revealed, I knew why it was so important to her. Not only does it contain a list of unique spells and rituals... it also reveals 3 simple secrets for tapping into the Magick energy of the universe... the same energy that's inside of you. I'm still amazed by the power and simplicity of the techniques. I know (and I've proven) that anybody can use them to get real results from Magick. You see, I've spent the last 6 years laying out every spell and Magick secret into simple steps anyone can follow to cast real spells that actually work. (This wasn't easy, and I had to draw on all my 27 years of Magick experience to finally complete it.) Now I'm going to explain how you can use this knowledge to change your life with Magick, starting with a very important question: "Have
you ever cast a spell that If you answered "yes" to this question, this has probably happened to you: After finding the "perfect" spell, your spine tingles with excitement when imagining how it will attract your deepest desire... and how good life will be when your biggest worry fades away. You carefully gather all the ingredients and tools the spell calls for. (Even though some of them are hard to find and expensive)... and you carefully follow every step to cast the spell "perfectly"... or so you think. You're so excited you can hardly stand it. The first day goes by and your situation is unchanged... but that's ok. Everyone says you need to be patient. Another day passes... still nothing. You begin to wonder if it's going to work. Then another day passes... and another. Still no results. The feeling of doubt inside you grows with each passing day. Then the doubt turns to disappointment and sadness when you realize your spell hasn't worked. You feel like you wasted your effort and time... and you wonder if you'll ever cast a spell that brings results. I'm here to tell you that you're not alone... and it's not your fault. The truth is: casting successful spells is easier than you ever hoped or believed... as long as you follow 3 simple secrets revealed in the Magick Grimoire. I promise to reveal all 3 of these secrets over the next few minutes. I also promise that you'll be smiling from ear to ear when I'm done, because you'll know you can cast spells that actually work almost every time you try. You see, The
Magick "Fuel" That Powers These Simple And if you've had your doubts, that's ok. It's only natural for people to doubt things they can't see (like Magick energy). But after you hear about some shocking discoveries made by scientists, I believe any doubts you've ever had will be laid to rest... forever. You see, many different scientists have run multiple experiments that prove beyond a doubt there is a powerful energy running through the universe, the earth, and every person. There's one particular experiment I want to tell you about because it was done by the U.S. military (one of the most "cutting edge" departments in the world when it comes to science and technology). The
Results Of This Experiment
So they repeated this experiment multiple times after moving the volunteers 1 mile away from their samples... then 5 miles away... 10 miles away... 15 miiles away... ... and they finally stopped when the volunteers were 50 miles away from their blood samples. In all tests, the results were exactly the same! Even when the volunteers were 50 miles away from their blood samples -- the electrically measured "peaks and valleys" of the samples instantly mirrored their physical responses to the video clips... without any delay. These
Shocking Results Prove The Existence Of It proves that every living thing, every event, and every thought is connected by a web of invisible energy that can instantly effect everything else. And I'm going to show you how to "plug in" to this powerful force any time you wish, so you can... Bring
Your Deepest Desires Into Your Life... If you've never cast a spell that got results, it's not because you weren't "born" with some mystical power. Remember, the volunteers in the scientific experiments above were regular people off the street... and they were all able to control their own DNA from 50 miles away. (Without even consciously trying.) This is proof we are all born with a connection to Magick energy. This is proof that you can follow my steps and see results from your spells -- no matter who you are or where you're from... |
... And You'll Use 3 Secrets To Tap Into The Energy Inside You... To Bring Real Results Into Your Life Quickly. Magick Secret #1: You must truly believe a spell will bring results from the bottom of your heart. I'll show you how to do this with a series of simple steps that intensify your belief in yourself (and in the power of Magick)... without much effort on your part. This intense "belief build-up" will charge your spells with focused Magick energy for the sole purpose of attracting your desired results quickly, easily, and safely. This Is The First Secret For Casting Spells That Really Work. Belief. Like a car needs gasoline, successful spells need your total and complete belief as fuel to bring results. But it's not enough to just tell people (and yourself) that you believe in Magick... You must really believe through every fiber of your heart. This deep belief is something most people never experience (because they aren't shown how). It breaks my heart to see them desperately casting spells -- hoping they'll work -- but never really believing in them. These people end up disappointed almost every time. I won't let this happen to you because I've organized these materials to quickly build up enough belief in your heart to last a lifetime... starting with this letter. ... But Deep Belief Isn't Enough Because There Is Another Very Important Secret Most People Miss Too... Magick Secret #2: This secret "controls" the outcome of your spells the same way a steering wheel controls a car. If you use it in the way I show you, every spell you cast will release tightly focused energy into the universe -- attracting the specific results your heart desires. The power of your emotions and intentions will create this Magick "steering wheel"... and I'll show you how to embed them into each spell you cast. Unfortunately, most spells you'll find out there aren't structured to focus the full power of these 2 critical things. This is because most spells aren't specific enough about your desire to actually bring successful results. (Quick Tip: the more specific a spell is about your exact desire, the more focused your intentions will be... and the more emotional connection you'll have to it.) Even someone with a strong belief in Magick won't cast successful spells if their intentions and emotions aren't strong enough. I've seen it happen many times before: excited true believers cast one failed spell after the next... crushing their hopes and dreams... just because they didn't follow this simple Magick secret. But this won't happen to you because I've designed every spell to "automatically" build your focused intentions and emotions on a very specific desire. I won't let you fail. In fact, You're
Just A Few Spells Away From And you'll see results quickly because I'll show you how to combine your intense belief (the first secret) with focused intention and emotion (the second secret). These first 2 secrets will instantly connect you with your core Magick energy... releasing it into every spell you cast. This "connection" will create successful spell results that are nothing short of amazing...
And When You Use The Third Magick Secret, Magick Secret #3: This one is all about charging your spells with outside energy from nature. (Some witches understand a little about this secret, but most of them only get it half right.) You see, when you're able to borrow outside energy from the earth, your spells get a powerful "boost". This energy boost will combine with your belief, focused intent, and emotion to bring the results you desire. The first part of this secret is to use natural ingredients like herbs, wood, and other plants. Most spells you'll find call for these natural ingredients, and this is good... but almost every one of them completely ignores the second (and most important part) of this secret. It's very simple: you must acknowledge and thank the earth for the energy you've borrowed. This will be easy for you because the special techniques I've "embedded" in each spell will help you thank mother earth quickly, simply, and naturally every single time -- without even really thinking about it. Now the universe will work for you instead of against you, and... You'll
Prove To Everyone (And Yourself) You You'll realize you really do have the power to change your life by following the simple steps I've laid out in each spell, ritual, and technique... ... using simple ingredients and tools you can find around your home. ... without needing help from anyone else. (There are a few group rituals, but most of the spells are designed to done alone, in the comfort of your own home.) The best part is, you'll be able to use these spells as often as you need to. Just
Imagine What It Will Feel Like When You Cast The belief... the emotion... and the hope you feel will be like sunshine on your heart. You'll feel comfort in your inner spirit that everything is going to be O.K... and a wave of excitement will fill your soul because you'll realize what is possible. Listen, regular people are changing their lives with my specially written spells every day. They aren't any smarter than you... and they aren't mysteriously "gifted" in some way. Just look at what they've done... |
If you follow
my steps, you can get similar results... and you'll know it's only the
beginning... ...
And Enough Money To Make Your Just turn on the news to hear about the struggles people are having all over the world with money. This is the worst its been since the Great Depression. Maybe you can imagine what its like for people struggling to pay their bills after working long hours for little pay... with almost nothing in their savings accounts. And then they get the bad news. They've lost their jobs. Their income stops... but the bills keep rolling in. Desperation sets in when they look for a job, but can't find one... and all the while there are little mouths to feed... rent to pay... and all the bills. It's just a matter of time before government assistance runs out... the bills go unpaid... the lights go out... and finally, their homes are lost. Maybe some of this has even happened to you -- but it doesn't have to... especially if you follow the steps in the money spells I'm going to send you.
What Would Life Be Like If You Never Had To You'll rest easy every night knowing you've got enough money to pay all your bills... and live the life you've always wanted. No, money can't buy happiness or love... but it can help you feel happiness and love. It's amazing how easy it is to focus on things in life that are really important (like your relationships... your friends... your family... your health) when your money worries are gone. You can even travel the world if you like... and you'll have plenty of "fun" money to buy (and do) some of the things you've always wanted. This is all possible because I've included a special set of spells, rituals, techniques, and charms that can quickly create opportunities for money in your life. (You'll receive spells for attracting extra spending cash, landing your dream job, getting a promotion, drawing in emergency money to pay your bills, and much more.) Here are just a few of the simple money attracting spells and rituals I've laid out for you step-by-step:
Here are some of the results my students are getting after casting these simple spells...
This Sounds Great, But How Long Will It Take For The answer to this question depends on 4 things: 1. How well you follow the simple steps I've laid out for you. 2. Your level of belief in Magick. 3. The strength of your emotional connection to your desire. 4. Which spell you cast. The good news is, I've taken care of all 4 of these things for you. You see, the spell casting system I've prepared will "automatically" pick the perfect spell for your situation, build up your Magick belief, grow intense emotion in your heart, focus your Magick on a specific desire, and guide you through the simple steps to cast it. The results will amaze you. In fact, you may even "see" results a day or two after casting it.
Can Even Cast My Simple Job Attraction Not only is it hard to find a job these days, but most people who actually have a job aren't happy with it. In a recent poll 55% of people working at least 30 hours a week are unhappy with their jobs. That means over half of employees wake up every morning and go to a place they can't stand... to a boss who probably doesn't give them the credit (or respect) they deserve. But things will be different for you. You don't have to be unemployed... and you don't have to be stuck in a job you don't like. What if I told you there was a simple set of spells you could use to "stumble" into your dream job? Imagine waking up every morning excited to go to work. A place where you are respected and appreciated. A job that pays what you are truly worth... a job that provides for you and your loved ones -- for the rest of your lives. And if you already have a job you want to keep, I've prepared another set of spells you can use to keep your job secure... while thousands of people are losing their jobs every day. Even better, you can use some of the spells to get the promotion you deserve... along with a salary increase that will make any of your financial worries disappear completely. Here are just a few of the job spells I've prepared for you:
Magick Can Attract Money So Quickly This is a question I've been asked many times before, and here is my answer: The truth is, most people casting spells never see results... let alone get rich from them. That's because most people purchasing books and courses on Witchcraft skip right to the spells -- before they know how (or why) Magick works. They blindly cast the spells without building up true belief in Magick... and without focusing their thoughts, emotions, and intentions. Then they complain they aren't millionaires a few hours later. But you are different. You are light years ahead of most people because you've followed me this far... and that is a very good sign. And I'll make sure you follow the 3 Magick secrets when casting each spell. Not only will you create prosperity and wealth in your life, but you'll also... Fill Your Life To The Brim With Breathtaking Love... Passionate Romance... And A Lifetime Of True Friends. As you know, love can make every day beautiful and full of life... or... if love "breaks" it can fill your days with sadness, depression, and loneliness. There are so many people desperately seeking love that can't find it. They feel alone, unimportant and unwanted... while a deep sadness creeps into their hearts. Many others are dealing with a devastating breakup... or the crushing loss of a loved one. My heart bleeds for you if you've felt like this, because I know what its like to have a broken heart. Let me explain...
My Grandmother's Spell Took Me From Devastating Heartbreak To The Passionate Romance Of My Dreams... ... and this all happened before my Grandmother discovered the secrets in the Magick Grimoire. Secrets that have increased my connection to Magick in ways I never thought possible. It's unique techniques for harnessing the power of your belief, emotion, and focus are stronger than anything I've ever used. And I've broken it all down into simple steps for you...
...So You Can Quickly Rid Your Heart Of Now, I'm not going to promise you'll never feel some sadness and disappointment about love... but instead of going through weeks and months of heartache, you'll only feel sad for a day or two. (I've prepared some simple heart-mending spells that will quickly clear away your pain and replace it with hope, excitement, and happiness.) Here's just a bit of what I'll show you:
And when your pain is gone... You'll
Cast My Powerful Love Attraction Spells To Open There are two types of these special Love Spells... First, if you're ready to settle down with someone special, you'll focus on my "true love attraction spells" to create a chance encounter with your soul mate. (This can happen in a few days, and you'll know when you see them... trust me.) Or... If you just want to date and have fun, you'll focus on my spells to attract multiple love interests. (Caution: I never recommend dating more than 2 or 3 people at a time... but it's up to you how many people you attract with these spells. Just be careful how you treat them.) It's your choice which path you follow. Here are just a few examples of these unique and powerful love spells:
... and if you've already found someone special, and just want to feel "closer" to them -- I've got you taken care of. I'll
Show You How To Take Any Relationship To A It's so painful when you want to feel closer to someone... but something is preventing it. You remember how things used to be when your relationship was filled with love and trust... and you got butterflies in your stomach every time you were together. Then you open your eyes one day and realize how much things have changed... for the worse. You feel sad, angry, and depressed... and you'd do anything to get that happiness back. This is where my simple "love growing" spells and rituals come in. With each spell you cast, you'll plant another Magick "love seed" in your relationship that grows with each passing day... gently repairing anything that has been broken... bringing back the love that was there -- and all it's passion. Spells like this:
And there's another kind of pain I can help you with too... If Your Heart Is Broken Over A Loved One Who's Passed Away... Would You Like To Speak With Them? It's a harsh reality of life... the ones we love slowly begin to leave us. How many times you have you wanted to speak with them "one last time" as tears begin to fill your eyes? Just one last "I love you...", one last hug... one last kiss... I can help you "touch" them again. And you don't have to say goodbye... you can actually continue having a relationship with them. You see, I've used some of the knowledge in the Magick Grimoire to create special rituals for communicating with spirits on the other side. You'll be able to exchange thoughts, feelings, emotions, and even words with the ones you've lost... almost any time you wish.
No matter how (or why) your heart hurts in the future, you'll never feel alone again because... You'll
Have The Power To Attract A ... and true friends can help get you through any problem that comes your way. You'll be surrounded with people like you... people who understand you... care about you... love you. People that share in your happiness... people who pick you up when you are down with tender words and thoughtful actions. All you'll do is try a few of my "friend finding" spells to quickly and naturally attract true friends that are meant for you. So you'll never feel lonely or left out. I'll show you spells like:
True friends can change your life. They'll be there to give you happiness and support. But unfortunately, ...Friends Can't Protect You From A World Full Of Dangers, Negative Energy, And Daily "Curses"... Don't get me wrong, the world is a beautiful place. But there are a lot of problems too. You don't need me to tell you about all the pain and suffering going on. Just turn on the news to see it with your own eyes... ... job losses... poverty... homelessness... hate crimes... natural disasters... terrorism... death... And then there are the negative thoughts people send out -- filled with fear, greed, envy, and hatred. This negative energy can take away everything you have, and throw your life into a tailspin. I feel it's my duty to keep you and your loved ones protected, which is why I'll send you a special set of rituals that will... Create
A Powerful "Magick Wall" To Whether someone consciously wishes bad things on you (a type of curse)... or random negative energy floats across your path -- the powerful protection spells revealed in the Magick Grimoire can keep you safe. These spells actually harness the power of gratitude for the things you already have. And it's this feeling of gratitude that will create your protective Magick Wall.
This Protective "Wall" Reflects I'm not saying you'll never have a "bad day". Everyone has those. But you'll be safe from curses, hexes, and other types of bad energy that can ruin your life. You'll rest easy at night knowing that you, your loved ones, and all your material possessions are safe. (While so many other people are worried sick...) Just follow the simple spells I've laid out for you, like:
You'll also cast other protection spells to banish negative energy that has already "attached" itself to your life... including sickness. This
Unique Set Of Protection Spells Can Heal Love. Each spell harnesses the deep rooted feelings of love you have for the person -- and releases it into their soul... healing them. This is why you must have strong emotions for the person you're trying to heal. (Of course this is easy if you already care about the person... especially if that person is you.) (A quick word of warning: these healing spells are not meant to replace the care of a good doctor... they should be used to help the healing process take place.) Here are a few of the healing spells and techniques you'll receive:
And now... ...
After 6 Years Of "Blood, Sweat, And Tears"... I've gone through each secret spell and technique with a fine toothed comb, and... ... split them into simple steps... ... carefully translated each one into simple modern day English anyone can understand... ... researched easy-to-find (and inexpensive) substitutes for ingredients and tools (so you can cast every spell, no matter where you live)... ... created hundreds of additional spells that follow the 3 magick secrets... ... had each spell and technique tested. (by myself, and members my local group) It's all yours now... |
Introducing... Your "Simple Spell Casting System E-Kit" (By the way, I've included a few little "surprises" for you that I'll reveal in a few minutes.) (I
think you'll be pleasantly surprised to say the least. Here's everything you'll receive today: The Simple Spell Casting System Manual
The Simple Spell Casting System Checklist You'll use this simple checklist to move quickly and easily through the course. Just "checkmark" each step as it's complete so you don't miss anything. It will also guide you through these 3 "surprise gifts" I've prepared for you: Free Gift #1: The Successful Spell Casting Secrets Manual
If you've ever had problems getting some of your spells to work, I've got 2 pieces of good news for you: 1. It's usually just one little mistake that causes a spell to "fizzle". 2. I've kept a log of all the mistakes my students have made over the last 6 years -- along with all the "fixes" I provided to get their spells working. The "Successful Spell Casting Secrets Manual" contains all these "fixes", so you won't run into these common problems. (And if you do, you'll know exactly how to solve them... so you cast successful spells almost every time you try.) Here are just some of the simple tips, tricks, and secrets you'll use to solve almost every possible spell casting mistake you could make:
Free Gift #2: Rose Ariadne's E-Book Of Shadows: Volume 1
I worked very closely with Ash (my computer whiz) for over a year to complete this unique and powerful spell casting software. It installs quickly and easily on any PC or Mac... and it's so simple to use even a computer "dunce" (like me) can run it. I've placed 100 new, unique, and powerful spells into this software. Each spell follows the 3 Magick secrets revealed in the Grimoire... and they're all categorized into 5 sections: "Love Spells", "Money Spells", "Protection Spells", "Luck Spells", and "Divination Spells". Simply click a category in the software to get a list of all it's spells. Then, click on a spell to get simple steps for casting it. You can write the steps down or print them out. (In fact, you can print out all the spells at once if you wish.) Additionally, you can add as many new spells (and categories) to the software as you wish. (You can also record the results of each spell you cast, which is something I highly recommend.) The E-Book Of Shadows software is truly "one-of-a-kind". It's also one of the most powerful pieces of the Simple Spell Casting System. Here are just some of the secret spells you'll discover inside:
Free Gift #3: "Simple 3-Step Spells Anyone Can Cast Using Items Found In Every Home" This
kit contains a 2 1/2 hour interview with "Marla" (a world famous
paranormal investigator and This kit contains Marla's simple, unique, and effective 3-step spells you can cast with items found in every kitchen. By day Marla is a practicing "kitchen witch" of over 20 years. By night she's a world famous paranormal investigator who has written 2 books about her amazing encounters.
My chance meeting with her 2 years ago was no accident. She's become a dear friend... and when I asked to talk about her unique "twist" on spell casting, she quickly agreed. (She also reveals some special secrets you can use to contact the spirits of your choice on the "other side".) As a gift for becoming my student today, I'm including: (1) 2 ½ hours of audio interviews with her, (2) a manual that breaks her secrets down into simple steps, (3) and a workbook to keep you on track. (So you don't miss anything...) Here's just a little of what she'll reveal:
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