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Purchase IDENTILOCK today and receive USCCA’s Kids & Guns: 5 Simple Steps To A Safer Home digital guide absolutely FREE!
Receive FREE SHIPPING and a complimentary
Home Defense Checklist as well!
Open age and maturity-level appropriate conversations with your children about firearms and personal safety
Learn eight firearm storage tips to help keep your firearms secured away from curious children’s hands
Mentally prepare yourself to quickly and efficiently defend your children in a variety of situations
Understand the Child Access Prevention laws and legal repercussions of gained access to an unsecured firearm
An auto safety engineer from Detroit, Omer Kiyani, wanted to keep his kids safe from the firearm he bought to protect them but could not find it.
So Kiyani invented IDENTILOCK - the world’s fastest, most reliable trigger lock activated by fingerprint technology that works in 300 milliseconds - the same as the blink of an eye!