CouponDonor has a strict policy regarding user privacy. We will never interfere with how you use Coupondonor, but we want to be transparent and let you know what information is collected about each visit so that if there are any concerns or questions users can have them answered without hesitation
"CouponDonor: We're committed to protecting the integrity of our customers' private data."
Contact information may be collected when using our site. This includes e-mail addresses and other data from third-party accounts like Gmail you use for logging in, as well as any other personal details we might ask about during signup or registration processes.
We use information from our customers to send them news about the company, improve site features and services for everyone. We also use it in order to process contests, as well as rewards, which are given out by us! This includes fulfilling orders or answering any questions you may have on customization options with one of many products available at this time. You can rest assured knowing that no detail has been left overlooked when offering customer care so please do not hesitate to reach out if there's anything else we could possibly help with regarding how you feel among all these various aspects mentioned above.
We are committed to respecting your privacy, so if you don’t want any of this information used for a specific purpose or otherwise processed as described above then please let us know.
We use cookies to make sure you get the best experience on our website. Cookies are small files that allow us to monitor your traffic patterns and serve up content more efficiently if they’re visited again in future visits, while also giving users an opportunity to accept or reject each cookie as desired when first accessed-allowing them greater control over how their data is used!